PTSD and Trauma

Have you ever thought about the way two people can see the same TV programme, or take part in the same event, but come away with very different perceptions and memories? In the same way, people react very differently to traumatic events.

Your emotional response depends on you as a person, including your life experience, how you interpret events and what coping strategies you have developed. Experiencing a traumatic event does not always mean you will develop PTSD – but if you do, there are ways to help you.

Symptoms of PTSD

Symptoms and intensity also vary from person to person. You may

  •         Experience intrusive, unwanted and random memories, dreams or flashbacks
  •         Find your brain and body are overactive
  •         Choose to avoid people, places or things associated with your trauma
  •         Think more negatively about yourself
  •         Blame yourself or others for what happened
  •         Feeling cut off, detached and uninterested in life
  •         Have trouble remembering things
  •         Be quick to feel irritable or angry
  •         Engage in self-destructive behaviours
  •         Find you are hypervigilant, always feeling you must be on alert

Generally, your rest and your sleep cycle are disrupted, and concentration is poor.

Therapy for PTSD and Trauma

I have been working with PTSD and trauma since 1982.

Usually, when people start therapy, they have little idea what is triggering distress. In many cases there is more than one trigger, so we start by looking at your entire environment. You’ll learn to find the patterns in thoughts, feelings and behaviours which trigger distress for you. Over time, you develop greater awareness, and better coping mechanisms.

"Lisa was wonderful at helping me work through some past trauma and restore lost confidence.

 From our time working together I've had more self-belief, far less of the emotional lows I used to have (depression episodes) and have more consistent energy and motivation. This has been incredibly beneficial to my work and personal relationships, and my outlook on life is much more positive now. Ultimately, I'm enjoying life more than previously.  Thank you Lisa: )"

- A.H

I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Stress Reduction and Mindfulness. The aim is to help you process the traumatic event and your response to it. People often seek answers to the questions ‘Why?’ and ‘Why me?’

We work together in a non-judgmental, accepting space to tackle these issues; to help your body respond rather than react to physical symptoms of trauma, and to change your beliefs and thoughts around the trauma. I cannot change the past for you, but I can help you find some acceptance of the event, your response and your feelings. With new behaviours and greater confidence, you will find new freedom to live your life and to grow.

Contact me Contact me

          Clinical Psychologist in Auckland 
          No referral required

          Workplace Stress

          Trauma and PTSD

          Chronic Pain


          T: 09 427 6559

          Mobile:(021) 0275-4482


          Northern Auckland
          (Orewa Rooms)
          Monday, Tuesday

          Central Auckland
          (Ponsonby Rooms)
          Wednesday, Thursday